Monday, August 31, 2009

Team String FOREVER!

This all began when Ambrose was getting ready for his 8th birthday, and he asked his dad if he would baptise him. Doug told him that he would love to if Ambrose would wait for him to get ready. Even though the wait was really long, and tried our patience a few times, where we are standing now is heavenly and well worth everything.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ramona Falls

For the 4th of July Doug and I thought it would be fun to celebrate the holiday by going for a 7.1 mile hike. The weather and the scenery were beautiful. It was a nice day to spend together.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon

This past week-end Doug and I participated in a half-marathon. This was the result of our January goal of getting into better shape. We both did better than anticipated. I strained the muscles in my hip while trainig so I ended up walking the entire 13.1 miles and still finished it faster than I had planned on. Doug's training consisted of 2 training runs between January and June and he totally kicked my butt, finishing the course 45 min faster than he had planned. We are both definately going to do this again next year. The music along the course and the concert at the close of the race were so cool. We spent the next day recovering and walking around Seattle. It was fun hanging out with each other.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Poem by: Alton

I wish my humor was like my Dad's

I wish I could be like him

He is amazing in almost every way

He can have fun and be a kid and not a boring adult

He can go to work all night and still make a lame joke about anything

He is my idle and he is what he is ... a Dad

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's spring break...NOT spring work!

I've been looking forward to spring break as a time to catch up on all the little things that easily fall by the wayside when I'm busy with school like: laundry, deep cleaning bedrooms, getting rid of old clothes, toys and other outgrown items, and getting the house ready for family to visit. My children however feel differently regarding their time off from school. Their favorite mantra seemed to be "It's spring BREAK Mom, not spring WORK'. My response to this of course was "If you don't want to keep up with your chores while I'm in school, then I'm happy to spend my time off helping you catch up." The grumbling never stopped, however the chores got caught up and we all went back to school feeling rested and ready to continue with our education.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring break here I come!

Well I made it...18 tests in 8 days, all checked out of the Student Health Center, and ready to resume my education in the campus out-patient clinic when I get back in April. I'm looking forward to a nice break filled with book reading, scrapbooking, exercising and chocolate eating.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a whirwind of life! For my birthday we got the traditional Crispy Creme donuts for my cake, and enjoyed every last one of them. School has been keeping me busy with finishing up clinic paperwork, taking boards, and preparing to take all my finals for this quarter. I'm looking forward to going into the outpatient clinic next quarter where I will be able to practice and perfect my skills as a doctor.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The team that plays together stays together

Last week in an attempt to overcome sibling bickering and get our family to work together as a team, we decided to go on a hike around Multnomah falls. We began the hike from the car in extremely windy weather, were well protected from the wind once we got into the trees, but then were confronted with the uphill climb, and then completed the last third of the hike in the rain. Did I forget to mention that it was a 5.9 mile hike? Doug and I had a great time and I think the kids learned something about getting along as well....

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back after a long break

I'm attempting to once again keep family informed regarding the events that occur in team-String's life. We're busy but happy, bonding over books, band, scouts (both boy and girl scouts), playing, cleaning, teasing...the list goes on and on.