Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ramona Falls

For the 4th of July Doug and I thought it would be fun to celebrate the holiday by going for a 7.1 mile hike. The weather and the scenery were beautiful. It was a nice day to spend together.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon

This past week-end Doug and I participated in a half-marathon. This was the result of our January goal of getting into better shape. We both did better than anticipated. I strained the muscles in my hip while trainig so I ended up walking the entire 13.1 miles and still finished it faster than I had planned on. Doug's training consisted of 2 training runs between January and June and he totally kicked my butt, finishing the course 45 min faster than he had planned. We are both definately going to do this again next year. The music along the course and the concert at the close of the race were so cool. We spent the next day recovering and walking around Seattle. It was fun hanging out with each other.